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Enhanced senses are when a user has physical senses such as sight, smell, hearing, and touch far above what is normal for the user's species. Compared to humans, many other animals such as dogs (smell), bats (hearing), and birds (sight) would have super senses.

There are more than five senses available to human beings, but beyond the five classical ones (sight, hearing, smell, taste and sound), the remaining are mostly internal senses, such as the sense of being aware of the position of your body parts, like legs or fingers.


  • Enhanced Hearing: Ears pick up every single sound, and can decipher layer upon layer of noise; has the ability to pick up a conversation from a mile away in a busy city. May even mutate into Echolocation.
  • Enhanced Smell: Users can detect specific smells, and locate their origin. Some may even be able to tell if someone is lying by which hormones they excrete.
  • Enhanced Taste: User has an extremely developed sense of taste and may be able to detect poisons or other problems. Some may be able to taste all of their surroundings at once from a distance.
  • Enhanced Touch: Some can feel so acutely that to rub the user's hand on a paper would be like reading the page, sensing every bump, ripple or wave. Some may even be able to tell of distant occurrences felt through vibrations in the air, ground, and water.
  • Enhanced Vision: Can see with amazing clarity/detail, distance, or color, perhaps even in a different spectrum of light or into other dimensions.

Other Senses:

  • Electroreception: Can detect and follow electricity and related phenomenon.
  • Energy Detection: Sense all forms of energy.
  • Enhanced Balance: Sense of equilibrium and ability to use it well.


  • Extrasensory Perception: Also known as the "Sixth Sense", users of this rare ability can instantly know whatever they wish without the need to perceive or experience it, often reaching into Clairaudience, Claircognizance, Clairempathy, Precognition, Psychometry, Retrocognition, etc.
  • Hyper Awareness: All senses are attuned to nearby activity.
  • Infrared Perception: Can sense infrared/temperature.
  • Spatial Perception: Can sense space, size and shapes.
  • Telekinetic Senses: Can sense with psionic energy/focus.
  • Underwater Senses: Can sense with clarity underwater.


  • Peak Human Senses: User's senses are at the peak human limit.
  • Enhanced Senses: User's senses are beyond peak human limits but below high superhuman levels.
  • Supernatural Senses: User's senses are supernaturally acute, at a high superhuman level.
  • Absolute Senses: User's senses are at an infinite scale.