Morality is the concept of how the characters act, according to their line of thought, based on the interactions between him and other beings.
There are two "conflicts" of morality and one state outside these conflicts, and nine possible combinations between them.
- VS Kindness. Malignancy: It is the confrontation between good and evil. The "good" is defined as someone selfless, who protect and help others. "Evil" is defined as someone who kills and destroys, usually without much reason, and who cause suffering from others with constancy.
- Order VS. Chaos: It is the confrontation between order and chaos. The "orderman" is defined as someone who follows laws and standards, while a chaotic someone actively goes against the laws and has characteristically anarchist and/or volatile behavior.
- Neutral: Neutrals are those who do not participate or do not have much interest in that aspect of morality.
The combinations are:
- Kind Orderly: Kind, selfless and law-auded characters.
- Kind Neutral: Kind characters and who help others but do not respect the law more than a normal person.
- Kind Chaotic: Kind and selfless characters, but who fight the laws and promote chaos.
- Neutral Orderly: Characters who are not especially inclined to good or evil, but respect the laws. A normal person fits that mold.
- Truly Neutral: Characters who, whether they transcend or have not intellect enough to understand it, do not participate or understand morality as we understand.
- Neutral Chaotic: Characters who are not especially inclined to good or evil, but disrespect the laws and fight against order.
- Evil Orderly: Evil characters, which cause suffering and death, but follow codes of honors or laws.
- Neutral Evil: Evil characters, which cause suffering and death, and who do not follow the laws more or less than a normal person.
- Evil Chaotic: Evil characters, which cause suffering and death, and have no respect for the laws, often causing absurd destruction regardless of the consequences.
It should be noted that Anti-Heroes and the like are not truly Neutral. This category is strict to beings as animals, who do not have enough intellect to formulate a concept of ethics, transcendental gods, that transcend laws and ethics, and entities that do not follow our moral system in any way.