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In physics, speed is the amount of space through which something moves at a given time. In the International System of Units, it is measured in m/s, although measured in other units depending on location or occasion.

Speed Levels

m/s Mach SoL km/h mph
Immobile 0 0 0% 0 0
Below Average Human 0 - 5 0 - 0.0145773 0% - 1.6678e-6% 0-18 0 - 11.1847
Average Human 5 - 7.7 0.0145773 - 0.022449 1.6678e-6% - 2.5684e-6% 18 - 27.72 11.1847 - 17.2244
Athletic Human 7.7 - 10.03 0.022449 - 0.029241983 2.5684e-6% - 3.34565e-6% 27.72 - 37.08 17.2244 - 22.436471
Peak Human 10.03 - 12.43 0.029241983 - 0.036239067 3.34565e-6% - 4.1462e-6% 37.08 - 44.748 22.436471 - 27.805118
Superhuman 12.43 - 34.3 0.036239067 - 0.1 4.1462e-6% - 1.14412e-5% 44.748 - 123.48 27.805118 - 76.7269
Subsonic (Faster than the Eye) 34.3 - 171.5 0.1-0.5 1.14412e-5% - 5.720624e-5% 123.48 - 617.4 76.7269 - 383.635
Subsonic+ 171.5 - 308.7 0.5-0.9 5.720624e-5% - 0.00010297124% 617.4 - 1110.6 383.635 - 690.542
Transonic 308.7 - 377.3 0.9-1.1 0.00010297124% - 0.000125854% 1110.6 - 1358.28 690.542 - 843.996
Supersonic 377.3 - 857.5 1.1-2.5 0.000125854% - 0.000286031% 1358.28 - 3087 843.996 - 1918.17
Supersonic+ 857.5 - 1715 2.5-5 0.000286031% - 0.000572062% 3087 - 6174 1918.17 - 3836.35
Hypersonic 1715 - 3430 5-10 0.000572062% - 0.00114412% 6174 - 12348 3836.35 - 7672.69
Hypersonic+ 3430 - 8575 10-25 0.00114412% - 0.002860312% 12348 - 30870 7672.69 - 19181.7
High Hypersonic 8575 - 17150 25-50 0.002860312% - 0.005720624% 30870 - 61740 19181.7 - 38363.5
High Hypersonic+ 17150 - 34300 50-100 0.005720624% - 0.01144125% 61740 - 123480 38363.5 - 76726.9
Massively Hypersonic 34300 - 343000 100-1000 0.01144125% - 0.11441248% 123480 - 1.235e+6 76726.9 - 767269
Massively Hypersonic+ 343000 - 2997925 1000-8810.2 0.11441248% - 1% 1.235e+6 - 1.0793e+7 767269 - 6706166
Sub-Relativistic 2997925 - 14989621.4 8810.2 - 43701.52 1%-5% 1.0793e+7 - 5.3963e+7 6706166 - 3.3531e+7
Sub-Relativistic+ 14989621.4 - 2.998e+7 43701.52 - 87403 5%-10% 5.3963e+7 - 1.079e+8 3.3531e+7 - 6.706e+7
Relativistic 2.998e+7 - 1.499e+8 87403 - 437015 10%-50% 1.079e+8 - 5.396e+8 6.706e+7 - 3.353e+8
Relativistic+ 1.499e+8 - 299792458 437015 - 874030 50%-100% 5.396e+8 - 1.079e+9 3.353e+8 - 6.706e+8
Speed of Light 299792458 874030 100% 1.079e+9 6.706e+8
FTL 299792458 - 2.998e+9 874030 - 8.74e+6 1x - 10x 1.079e+9 - 1.079e+10 6.706e+8 - 6.706e+9
FTL+ 2.998e+9 - 2.998e+10 8.74e+6 - 8.74e+7 10x - 100x 1.079e+10 - 1.079e+11 6.706e+9 - 6.706e+10
Massively FTL 2.998e+10 - 2.998e+11 8.74e+7 - 8.74e+8 100x - 1000x 1.079e+11 - 1.079e+12 6.706e+10 - 6.706e+11
Massively FTL+ 2.998e+11+ 8.74e+8+ 1000x+ 1.079e+12+ 6.706e+11+

Infinite Speed: Beings able to travel anywhere instantly, or move an infinite distance within a the concept of time. Teleportation does not count.

Immeasurable: (Movement beyond linear time. This is why the speed cannot be measured. Given that S = D/T, if T is undefined the speed formula cannot be applied. This is the same reason why multiple temporal dimensions also grant immeasurable speed. For further information, see note 6 and 7 below).

Irrelevant: Not-applicable. Class reserved for all who, due to its nature, the concept of speed does not apply, such as ubiquitous entities that do not move, or anything that is not related to time and space. (Characters beyond, and qualitatively superior to, the concepts of dimensions of time and space themselves. Meaning: Status Existential Transcendent).

Omnipresence: Omnipresence is actually a skill, in which the character exists in multiple places at the same time, and at the same time does not exist in these. There are "levels" of omnipresence, such as planetary omnipresence, in which the character exists everywhere on the planet, and universal omnipresence, in which the character exists everywhere in the universe. Omnipresence, although technically it can be usable as speed, since the character will already be there before the opponent arrives, note that she no means that the character reacts at that speed. Only he already exists there before the other.


Mach: Mach is a term used in physics to define how often a given body has exceeded the speed of sound. Each Mach is equivalent to 340 m/s, and so, Mach 2 equals 680 m/s, Mach 3 equals 1.020 m/s and so on.

Speed of Light: Light Speed is the speed at which electromagnetic waves propagate in vacuum, calculated in 299.792.458 m/s. The symbol c[1] in tiny comes from celeritas. We will use the symbol accompanied with the number to represent the amount of times a body has exceeded the speed of light, just as we do with Mach.

Additional Notes

For situations involving "Lightning Speed", a pattern considered 5 different types with different speeds was applied.

See also


  1. MCgill school of computer science'Celeritas' represents the speed of light in the vacuum.... Available in:,(1%2C079%2C252%2C848.8%20km%2Fh).

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